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2016 Bombings TimeLine

 Here is some History of what went on in 2016 and all the drama that was taking place.

in 2016 tensions were high. The government was in turmoil and elections were underway for a new president. Ill start with the names of some people so you have a little bit of background.


Freedom McCarthy was the presidential front runner. A small town busses owner whos meat franchise swept the nation! Freedom McCarthy created the Slop n Shop franchise which was a butchery and meat deli where people could come and buy fresh meat. He was the most popular man of the year and doing great in the elections, and running under the party he founded, The Victorian Party.


Sam McFarland was a savvy and very successful Lawyer. He owned the biggest market share of doing the most business as a lawyer and he was great at his job. He was a presidential candidate who ran under the party he founded Candor.


Colt Luka, another candidate in the presidential election was also business savvy man who was popular among the people for his construction company, Sharp Industries. Sharp Ind. was known for their affordable building prices, and Colt himself was well known in the community for helping the poor and always offering a job with lots of room to advance, for those in need. Colt  ran on the premise of helping others and improving the lives of citizens.


Rece Hinson wasn't terribly popular in the polls but was a candidate that was passionate about his community

and Cameron Hudson briefly entered the election and resigned after the pressures of the campaign became too great.


Jay Valen, Another savvy lawyer who owned  Jay Valen Attorneys at Law, gave Sam McFarland a run for him money. Sam Started a lawfirm in Chanrootown and hired  Jay Valen when he was new to the business. After a dispute they split apart and Jay valen moved a block further and started his own lawfirm business. (after the 2016 bombings The building used for Jay Valen’s was destroyed, and Jayended up moving his practice to North Stick-Mon. Jay and Sam eventually rekindled and Sam moved into Jays practice in North Stick-Mon before ultimately starting his own practice in Essex. Jay Valen was a ruthless politician and went after every bodies throats. He was very relentless, but extremely smart, savvy, and wealthy. Jay Valen was apart of the Candor party and was the runner up to Freedom McCarthy.


Tyler Proasheaky: A construction worker at the once infamous Captain Construction Co. And Stick-Mon resident who was passionate about his city. 


 Tuesday 12 april 2016 has many names, The Terrorist Attacks of 2016, the 2016 Bombings, and even though the attacks took place in 2 cities and multiple locations, April 12 2016 is more commonly known as The South Stick-Mon Bombings or the Chanroo Town Attack. 

At 7:32pm est, a  group called the tunnel snakes, in association with Royce  Frickleton bombed 3 locations. Royce  Frickleton orchestrated this attack. It's believed he worked along side someone and rummer  has it that there were other members of the Tunnel Snakes, but they have never been identified or properly brought to justice.

The group blew up sections of the JJ Industries building a headquarters for one of the most prominent construction companies since 2013, the Imperial Bridge, the only network connecting South Stick-Mon and North Stick-Mon at the time. And the most devastating attack that had the greatest impact, the chanroo town attack, where the Tunnel Snakes lined the sewer system up with TNT under a section of Chanroo Town and detonating it destroying businesses and livelihoods forever. 

During the trial of Royce  Frickleton He stated that Presidential Front Runner Freedom McCarthy was looking to level his competition, by sabotaging the other presidential Candidates. He wanted to Expose Sam McFarland for something big, but couldn't find any dirt on him so he had Royce Bomb several locations and then plant Unused TNT at Sams house in North Stick-Mon. Other conspiracy theories arose involving other presidential candidates, and that Royce had been working as a triple agent as multiple candidates were using him as a tool to sabotage each other. Royce Frickleton was ultimately charged but instead of being sentenced to execution he was sentenced to an insane asylum.Where he would live out the rest of his days... until oneday it was noted that he was missing from the facility and never to be heard from ever again.

 The findings of the court were not strong enough to find out who else was truly behind these events and so no more arrests were made.

One day an anonymous tip had police and bomb squad buzzing around Sam McFarlands North Stick-Mon house. Sam was at work in South Stick-Mon salvaging what he could from the ruins of his lawfirm, when police discovered explosives under his house. Law authorities thought that sam was a target for an assassination, but really he was being set up as the man behind the April 13th bombings. Sam was proven innocent but fingers pointed to Freedom McCarthy as the man who tried to set Sam up. The FBI Raided all of Freedom's businesses and his properties looking for weapons of mass destruction, documents, and anything that would tie him the the Chanroo town attacks. 


After suffering much loss himself, Jay Valen spoke on the events 3 days later saying "Hello, I'm here to address the events that unfolded in Chinatown on Tuesday, these attacks are cowardly and disgusting act of treason and terrorism is a tax were committed by the Tunnel Snakes with the  Association of Royce Frickleton who in a complete mental break down, destroyed the city, he once loved we believe there was one other accomplice, who orchestrated the attack, and I will not give out his name until he is charged with the crime. Please give a moment of silence for the events that befell, ChanrooTown"


Freedom McCarthy the most popular presidential candidate hadn't said anything in a month since the attacks and suspicions of him started to grow, and he was under pressure to create a speech on the tragic events. 

On May 23 2016 Freedom released a speech at one of his rallies in Smokeport. 

He briefly apologized to the family and businesses that suffered losses. His speech was as follows: “Hello, my name is Freedom, and I am with the victorian party. Thank you all for coming out today, its a very big pleasure to know that I have supporters. Today we are going to be talking about a very sad event that happened not too long ago. Im sorry this is a topic we have to discuss. I know its hard for people. A lot of business were hurt, and some people may have been injured. Today the topic we're going to be talking about is the chanroo town bombing. Now, the chanrootown bombing was done by a man named Royce Frickelton, He is in jail for actions hes done. I was framed by someone. They framed me and said I gave him the TNT and that I was basically the mastermind. None of that was found true and the case was dismissed. I was not found guilty. and nothing ever happened to me. The man who framed me was also sent to jail, and what I would now like to speak about is the act of his hatred. I just really do not understand how someone could just blow up a masterpiece like Chanrootown. I just couldn't understand.

Over 7 businesses were destroyed and some are never going to come back. One of them is Jay Valens Lawfirm business. Completely destroyed. So hurt, I can't believe it. A couple of my businesses were also harmed in the act. A few parking lots were destroyed, the brewery, roads. It was just a mess. I don't understand how someone could do that, I really don't.

I would like to say, I believe if I became president, my Crime and Gun Law would help efficiently and very be powerful… Because if I were president at that time and I had those laws, there was no way he could have gotten TNT. No way at all. It would have been virtually impossible. The gun laws that I would be making would also help with that. So people just could go having terrorist attacks like so. I just can not truthfully understand why someone would go blow something up. And I think now, we need to wake up and realize that we have no justice system and we have to shut everyone down. we need to tell those terrorist, They need to go back where they came from. And go to sleep in the whole day crawled out. Because if we did, our city would be safe, we could leave the doors unlocked anytime and not worry about terrorism or robbery or anything . This is a great nation and I don't want to see it fall because of terrorist and people that don't care. Thank you thank you all for coming into my speech. I appreciate that vote for McCarthy. Have a great day.”

After that speech Freedom became more comfortable talking about the disaster and brought it up briefly again the same day during his Gollywood rally, and later on that night during his south Stick-Mon campaign, where instead of holding a rally he took a news crew in and did a tour of all the damage done in Chanroo town. 


On an episode of “The Late Late Show with Jeff Driver” SMNBsea’s popular late night talk show that aired on the 24 of may 2016, 

Jay Valen was a guest on the show and during Jeff Drivers interview with him, Jay made some very serious accusations against Freedom, stating that he has harassed and abused people in terrible ways, and that he assaulted and abused a girl in an alley. Jeff Driver was planning on Voting for Freedom, but he started to have second thoughts. He asked Jay how well he actually knew Freedom, and Jay stated that he knew Freedom very well. As a lawyer Jay had represented Freedom for a while, before Freedom stole a couple hundred dollars from him, at which point Jay terminated his services to Freedom. Jay mentioned that Freedom was crying bankruptcy, screaming that he had no money. 

The Story that Jay tells is that Freedom was going through a rough financial time but needed his companies trade marked but couldn't afford to pay the bill. Jay Wrote up the documents for freedom, and told freedom he could take his time paying off the bill. Later on Jay went back to his law firm, he noticed that $200 was missing. And freedom showed up saying that he was able to pay off $200 of what he owed. 


Jay also spoke about some history between Freedom and one of his former business partners Caneron Hudson. Freedom tricked Camron into a business deal with the Stick-Mon Tower that ended up putting Cameron in $30,000.00 debt. 

Jay, Cameron, and Freedom we all haveing a conversation and Cameron was upset at Freedom and wanted to sue him for putting him in $30,000 debt. 

Freedom wanted Jay as his lawyer in the matter but Jay was already representing Cameron at this time. 

Freedom felt cornered and was livid at the situation, and said that we would burn their buildings to the ground and nothing would survive, then he left. And hour later the Chanroo Town Attacks occurred and Cameron and Jay’s business suffered in the aftermath along with several other businesses in the area.

After the attacks Cameron was put on the missing persons list and was later assumed to be deceased. But Freedom was still his Business partner beneficiary on paper, and because of this Freedom inherited all of Camerons Assets which were now destroyed and all of his $30,000 debt.


Jeff Driver and Jay then started to discuss the allegations against Sam McFarland in connection with the April 13 Attacks. where an officer of the North Stick-Mon Police department was snooping around Sam’s house without a warrant and discovered a basement filled with drugs, money, all different types of weapons, and forged documents. Sam was unaware that his house even had a basement and was convinced that the finding officer was in kahoots with the Tunnel Snakes and tried frame sam inorder to pin the attacks on him, in an attempt to remove him from the presidential candidatcy. The officer couldn't explain why he was on Sams property without a warrant and was later let go by the North Stick-Mon Police Department. Sam then pursued the Police department in the county of law for trespassing without a warrant. 


After that episode aired on national television Freedom spoke out on the assault allegations the very next day. 

On May 24 2016 Freedom spoke alone infront of cameras at the Stick-Mon Jazz house in South Stick-Mon.

Freedom states that he was the recent topic of a talk show and that Jay Valen had accused him of assaulting a female. Freedom said that he never did that, and that he never would do that in the this city. Freedom clarified that he had made a joke to Jay, and told him in a joking matter that he lead a girl down an alley and hit her on the head with a stick and knocked her out and threw her in a dumpster. 

And that Jay grossly misconstrueded the joke as something that actually happened. 

Freedom said all of it was a joke and that he didn't think Jay Valen was going to try and sabotage him and do something like that on national television.

Freedom apologized to the nation for his poor sense of humour and asked for forgiveness.


Jay Valen was offered the position of Director of FBI and on may 28 2016 Jay Valen announced he was no longer running for presidency. 


Since Freedoms scandal leacked on national television Freedoms populatity dipped in the polls and after Jay Valen dropped out of the race, Colt luka had been gradually gaining popularity in the polls and was second in the polls, almost neck and neck with Freedom McCarthy


On the night of May 30 2016 Colt Luka was a guest on SMNBsea hit popular television shows  The Late Late Show With Jeff Driver, where freedom's reputation continued to get slandered. And Colt exposed that in the day of the terrorist attack he was on his way to his office in South Stick-Mon just outside of Chanrootown to do some paperwork and over heard Freedom and Royce planning the events that would take place later that evening. Colt claims he reported what he heard to authorities, but no records were kept of his report.


SMNBsea’s Late Late Show was such a big hit that they Launched another late night talk show called “The tonight Show” with Cameron Hudson. And on May 30 Its aired right after “The Late Late Show”

Freedom McCarthy was the first guest. They discussed Freedoms alagations, the 2 buildings Freedom had bought (one was an apartment complex and the other was a hotel.)

And then Freedom started Firing back at Colt from the episode of the Late Late show that he was on hours before.

The Next Night (31 May 2016) Colt Luka was guest starring on The Tonight Show and him and Cameron discussed Freedoms allegations, and the $50,000 debt Freedom was in from his Hotel and Apartment business he threw himself into. SMNBsea had Freedom guest on the Late Late Show Following the Late Night Show as he was very good for Views. Freedom was making headlines everywhere and viewership went up everytime Freedom was on television.

During this episode of The Late Late Show Jeff interviewed Freedom looking for answers on the allegations against him, the terrorist attack against South Stick-Mon, and his association with Royce Frickleton.

Freedom denied association with the Tunnel Snakes as 4 of his businesses were damaged during the attacks, and the denied the existence of the Tunnel Snakes, in which Jeff Driver told him that the media was discovering 4 possibly 6 or more members of the Tunnel Snake.

Freedom seemed very surprised and repulsed by this news. He then defended himself and states how much he love the city of Stick-Mon and would never do anything to hurt the people of the city.

Later on in the show Freedom commited to donating $10,000 to the development of Gollywood and the SMNBsea Studios. and in anticipation of receiving this donation the network promised him a brand new car

At the end of the show Jeff asked Freedom if he had any remarks on the things that Colt Luka and Jay Valen had been saying about him in the media. Freedom expressed that he feels people fear him because of how well hes doing in the polls and that they were trying to bring him down in fear that he might win ( most of the studio audience that still supported Freedom, cheered and clapped in his support) Freedom also brought up that Colt was lying when he said he had hear Freedom and Royce talking about the Tunnel Snakes together. And that he would never create an organization like the Tunnel Snakes.


On 19 June 2016 The Saturday Night news real With Gean Rustle came out with the following stories about the previous week. 

-The Tonight Show with Cameron Hudson was canceled by SMNBsea. Cameron moved on to The CMeron and Jaydon Show (which never made it to premiere.)

-FBI searches all of Prefidential front runner Freedom McCarthy’s properties and reported that nothing significant was found.

-The several alagations that had been following Freedom McCarthy the past month

-Royce Frickleton arrested after being found critically injured inside the vault of the Jay Valen Attorney's of Law Law Firm with illegal tools on his person. He also had multiple documents on his person that he had stolen from the vault, one of which was the warrant for Police to search one of Freedom McCarthy’s properties. “Did McCarthy put him up to it? investigators are still searching for answers!”

-Royce Frickleton was at a court hearing that day when the judge set a trial date for July 9, 2 weeks from current date and a $17,000 bail.

-Colt Luka has returned from his work in 3rd world countries and has plans to benefit Stickmon and its economy.


19 June 2016

Freedom has a rally in South Stick-Mon and here are the topics he talks about 


-Royce Frickleton is on trial 

-Strong weapon restrictions with in the first 74 hours of being elected to limite crime in the country.

-Metro Station construction and accessible public transit.

-Care Fare: assistance for people that can pay taxes or bills in full.

-Even being hosted at his hotel on sunday the next week. raffling off 4 rooms on one of the floors.

-Donating $10,000 to Gollywood and SMNBsea Studios 

-Hosting a Dinner event at his new Slop N’ Shop restaurant in South Stick-Mon for the grand opening with a firework show 


22 June 2016

Tyler Proasheck holds a rally in Chanrootown at ground 0. Here are his talking points:

-Can provide the proper leadership the country needs with his construction training, company know how and financial expertise to rebuild our city better than before. “I make a living off of building peoples dreams!”

-A tax program that will benefit the economy. Taxing the rich more than the poor, giving poor people a strong advantage to create businesses and build livelihoods.

-Create Jobs and Companies all through the country

-Will support the poor by providing newer better homes, restaurants, shelters, ordinance buildings

-raise the rates of pays throughout stick-mon and create a brand new golden age, because, after all, we're here to make Stick-Mon great again.


SMNBsea runs a short episode of The Late Late Show, and instead of MSNBsea giving Freedom a new car the network unveiled a brand new state of the art Slop N’ Shop restaurant for him.


1 July 2016

Tyler Proasheck apprears on the Late Late Show, here are the topics they talked about 

-Responding to Jay Valens comments about him several weeks back on the show. 

-working with Captain Construction to help rebuild after the chanrootown attacks

-freedom is a good business man but wouldn't make a good president 

-Freedom has a long line of allegations against him and that's not someone that he wants to see as a leader of the country.

-Freedom is $30,000 in debt and his campaign promises a lot of free things to the people which would put the country into debt, so he must not be financially smart enough to lead the country.

-”What are your plans if you get into office?” help people create a business easily, tax the rich more and tax the poor less

-Recently resigned from Captain Construction to focus on his campaign and helping the nation more.

-Opinion of gun control; People should have the right to protect themselves. 

-acknowledges that he is an underrated candidate 

- “how do you think presidential front runner Freedom McCarthy is going to do in this election?” thinks Freedom is going to fall bc he won't be able to fulfill is proposed to the people 

- “Colt Luca started 3rd or 4th last in the polls and is now 2nd. How do you think he  is going to do in this election?” Probably going to increase in popularity, has better points than freedom and has his supporters.


2 July 2016

Freedom releases the last recorded Campaign broadcast of the year.

Sitting in the office of his new Slop N’ Shop restaurant pleading for the people of the country to register and vote. And he thanks the people of the nation for all their support.


In 2017 The rubble was finally swept up, the remains of what was left of the buildings were knocked down, and apartment complexes were built over the site in a desperate and rushed manner. 

In 2018 This story arouse

Freedom and Colt were in cahoots with Royce Frickleton about the election. Freedom was paying top dollar to Royse and colt. (Royce and Colt ran a mafia business using the only tools in the city). (Obtained by breaking a boat and getting sticks.). They would plant evidence that would, "prove", that same MacFarland orchestrated terrorist attacks and to blame it on freedom. But then this would be exposed and Sam would lose due to him being exposed as a fraud. Now the funny part is that this was all apart of the plan and it was a multilayer psyop. People would never expect that Royce planned it and then would blame Sam. They would think, "ohhh that's too obvious he would never do that because he would know that it was obvious". POV expect the unexpected because we did the most unexpected. at the end of the day, the message was put across.


Story of Events:


7:00 PM
As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, South Stick-Mon is bathed in a soft golden light. In Chanroo Town, families are settling in for the evening, business owners are closing up shop, and workers at JJ Industries finish their last tasks of the day. On the Imperial Bridge, the flow of traffic is steady but calm, with commuters making their way home from a typical day at the office.

7:15 PM
The streets grow quieter. The once bustling markets and sidewalks of Chanroo Town have thinned out as twilight begins to fall. The evening feels peaceful, routine, with no signs of the chaos about to unfold. The city hums with normalcy—distant car horns, the soft murmur of conversations, the clatter of dinner plates.

7:30 PM
In the JJ Industries headquarters, employees start packing up for the night. A few stragglers are working late, unaware of the danger brewing in the shadows. Beneath the streets of Chanroo Town, explosives planted days earlier lie in wait, silent and deadly. The tunnel system, once a symbol of urban efficiency, has been turned into a death trap. Unbeknownst to the public, the clock is ticking.

7:31 PM
Somewhere, a phone buzzes. A brief, coded message is sent, signaling the beginning of the end. Far below the surface, under the city’s heart, the first detonator clicks into place. Above ground, there is no sign of trouble. The streets remain quiet, shops still aglow with warm lights as people go about their final business for the evening.

Without warning, a deafening explosion rips through the JJ Industries building. The shockwave blasts out windows, sending shards of glass and debris flying across the street. Workers inside the building are thrown to the ground as the walls crumble around them. The roar of the explosion reverberates through South Stick-Mon like a monstrous scream, tearing the quiet night apart in an instant.

7:33 PM
Panic sets in. In the streets surrounding JJ Industries, bystanders scream and scramble for cover as pieces of the building fall around them. Emergency calls flood the 911 switchboard, but there’s no time to respond. Mere moments after the first explosion, a second blast tears through the Imperial Bridge.

The Imperial Bridge, the lifeline connecting North and South Stick-Mon, collapses in a horrifying cascade of concrete and steel. Cars plunge into the river below, their headlights disappearing beneath the waves. The explosion is heard for miles. Rescue services, already stretched thin, struggle to comprehend the magnitude of what is happening.

7:35 PM
As chaos reigns above ground, the worst is yet to come. Beneath Chanroo Town, the final detonator ignites. The carefully planted explosives, hidden in the town's sewer system, erupt in a series of violent blasts. Streets buckle and collapse, swallowing entire buildings as fire and rubble shoot into the air.

In one devastating moment, businesses and homes are reduced to smoldering wreckage. The ground beneath the feet of hundreds of residents gives way, leaving a crater of destruction. Screams fill the air as survivors scramble through the debris, trying to understand what has just happened. The city is thrown into utter chaos as pillars of smoke rise into the darkening sky.

7:37 PM
Emergency sirens wail across Stick-Mon as firetrucks and ambulances rush to the scene. But the roads are blocked by the collapsed Imperial Bridge, and the once-bustling streets are now littered with rubble. The city is paralyzed.

7:40 PM
Fires rage across Chanroo Town. The smell of smoke, burning debris, and fear fills the air. Citizens run in every direction, their faces pale with shock and horror. Rescuers pull the injured from the wreckage, but the devastation is overwhelming.

7:45 PM
By now, news of the coordinated attacks spreads through the city. The Tunnel Snakes have made their mark. South Stick-Mon is in ruins, cut off from its northern counterpart, its people reeling from the shock. The gravity of the attack becomes clear. Lives have been shattered, businesses destroyed, and a community brought to its knees.

8:00 PM
The once-peaceful evening is now a scene of terror. Emergency services work tirelessly to rescue the trapped and tend to the wounded, but the scale of destruction is staggering. Hospitals are overwhelmed, and makeshift triage centers spring up in nearby parks and streets. Families search for missing loved ones, desperate for news amid the chaos.

The fires still burn, casting an eerie glow over the shattered remnants of Chanroo Town. The city is unrecognizable—what was once a vibrant community is now a war zone. Rescue operations continue deep into the night, but the wounds inflicted on this city will last far longer than the smoke that lingers in the air.


What began as an ordinary evening became one of the darkest days in South Stick-Mon’s history. Lives were lost, families torn apart, and a city forever scarred by the ruthless attacks of the Tunnel Snakes. April 12, 2016, would be remembered not for how it started, but for how it ended—in chaos, destruction, and grief.

As the fires of April 12, 2016, slowly died down, the days that followed were anything but quiet. The city was left in shock, its citizens haunted by the devastation that had unfolded in mere minutes. But as investigators sifted through the rubble, a darker narrative began to take shape—one of conspiracy, betrayal, and a web of political intrigue far more sinister than anyone had imagined.


April 13, 2016 - The Day After the Attack

Morning, 8:00 AM
The sun rose over South Stick-Mon, casting long shadows over the debris-strewn streets of Chanroo Town. Rescue workers, covered in ash and dust, continued their tireless search for survivors. The Imperial Bridge, once a symbol of connection between the two halves of the city, lay in ruins beneath the river, now a symbol of the severed ties between North and South Stick-Mon.

Television screens across the country flickered with breaking news: "South Stick-Mon Terror Attacks: Over 50 Dead, Hundreds Injured." The death toll was rising, and with it, a growing sense of anger and fear. People demanded answers—who was responsible for the attack, and why?

10:00 AM - Royce Frickleton's Arrest
That morning, a name surfaced—Royce Frickleton. Royce, a known criminal and leader of the infamous Tunnel Snakes gang, was arrested in connection with the bombings. His capture was hailed as a small victory amid the overwhelming tragedy, but it quickly became clear that he was only a piece of a much larger puzzle.

During his interrogation, Royce was defiant, claiming responsibility for the attack with a chilling lack of remorse. But his statement took a shocking turn when he revealed that the attack had been orchestrated not only by his gang but by someone far more powerful. He implicated presidential front-runner Freedom McCarthy, alleging that the bombing was a political sabotage to eliminate McCarthy’s opponents in the upcoming election.

The city was already on edge, but now it teetered on the brink of complete chaos. The implications of Royce’s confession were staggering—could one of the most beloved political figures in the country be behind the deadliest attack in its recent history?


April 14, 2016 - The Fallout

Morning, 9:00 AM
Freedom McCarthy, the charismatic small-town business owner turned presidential candidate, was at the center of a media firestorm. He had been the front-runner in the race for months, beloved for his "man of the people" image and his meteoric rise from a humble butcher to the founder of the Slop N’ Shop empire. Now, he was being accused of orchestrating a terrorist attack.

Reporters swarmed McCarthy’s campaign headquarters, demanding a statement. But McCarthy remained silent, his team scrambling to control the damage. In the eyes of the public, silence was as damning as an admission of guilt. His once-untouchable lead in the polls began to slip as doubt crept into the minds of even his most loyal supporters.

12:00 PM - Conspiracy Unraveled
Meanwhile, law enforcement began digging deeper into the details of the attack. Royce’s claims weren’t the ravings of a madman—there was evidence that suggested ties between McCarthy’s campaign and the Tunnel Snakes. A raid on one of McCarthy’s properties turned up incriminating documents linking the candidate to Royce and a cache of unused explosives, eerily similar to those used in the bombings.

But the investigation didn’t stop there. Soon, other political figures were dragged into the spotlight. Sam McFarland, the savvy lawyer and another presidential candidate, became a target when police discovered unexploded TNT in the basement of his home. Sam claimed he was being framed, and that the TNT had been planted by McCarthy’s team to eliminate him from the race. It was a tangled web of accusations, counter-accusations, and deceit.


April 16, 2016 - Public Outrage

The nation was gripped by a collective sense of outrage. Protests broke out in cities across the country, with citizens demanding justice for the victims of the South Stick-Mon bombings. The once-unshakable confidence in the country’s political system began to erode as the public struggled to reconcile the idea that the people they trusted to lead them could be involved in such heinous crimes.

Freedom McCarthy, who had always thrived in the spotlight, now found himself drowning in it. Public appearances became rare, and when he did speak, his words were filled with defensive denial. He accused his political rivals of plotting against him, calling the accusations a "smear campaign" designed to ruin his career. But the more he denied, the deeper suspicions grew.


April 23, 2016 - The First Trial Begins

Royce Frickleton’s trial was set to begin, and the eyes of the nation were glued to the proceedings. In a packed courtroom, Royce grinned from behind his defense table as the charges against him were read. He showed no remorse, no fear—just a twisted sense of satisfaction.

Prosecutors presented a mountain of evidence, including witness testimonies that placed Royce at the scene of the crime, phone records linking him to McCarthy’s campaign, and forensic evidence from the bomb sites. But the most damning piece of evidence came from Royce himself. During the trial, he took the stand and delivered a chilling statement:

"I did what I was paid to do. You think this was about some gang beef? No. This was about power. And let me tell you—there’s a lot more to this story than you’ll ever know."

His cryptic words left the courtroom in stunned silence. Royce refused to name the other accomplices involved, but his implication was clear—there were others, possibly high-ranking officials, who had orchestrated the attack. The revelation sent shockwaves through the nation, deepening the already profound sense of distrust.


May 2016 - The Election in Chaos

With the election only months away, the political landscape had shifted dramatically. McCarthy’s campaign was in free fall. Once the clear front-runner, he now struggled to regain the public’s trust. Sam McFarland, though exonerated of direct involvement in the bombings, also faced scrutiny, as more details about his shady dealings came to light.

Colt Luka, a business-savvy candidate once seen as an underdog, capitalized on the chaos. He positioned himself as a man of integrity, untarnished by the scandals consuming his rivals. Luka’s message of rebuilding and healing resonated with a public desperate for stability. His popularity soared in the polls, and soon, he was neck-and-neck with McCarthy.


June 2016 - The Conspiracy Deepens

As the trial of Royce Frickleton continued, new evidence began to emerge—evidence that suggested a wider conspiracy involving not just McCarthy, but other political and corporate figures. The name Cameron Hudson, a former business associate of McCarthy’s, resurfaced. Hudson had mysteriously disappeared following the attacks, his whereabouts unknown. Some believed he had been silenced, while others speculated he had fled the country.

Meanwhile, the media continued to unravel the threads of this vast conspiracy. Talk shows, investigative reports, and news specials dominated the airwaves, each new revelation deepening the mystery. Public trust in the government and its institutions reached an all-time low. The country was on the verge of a full-blown crisis.


July 9, 2016 - Royce’s Final Words

On the day Royce Frickleton was set to receive his sentencing, the courtroom was tense. He was expected to be sentenced to life in prison for his role in the attacks. But Royce had one last bombshell to drop.

As he was led to the stand, he turned to the judge and, with a smirk, said: "You may lock me up, but you’ll never know the whole truth. The real players in this game are still out there, laughing at all of you. This isn’t over. Not by a long shot."

With that, Royce was led away, leaving behind more questions than answers. His final words hung in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over the nation’s future.


The terror attacks of April 12, 2016, would forever change the course of Stick-Mon’s history. What had begun as an act of terror had unraveled into a vast and complicated web of political intrigue, betrayal, and deceit. And even as the dust settled, one thing was clear: the truth behind the attacks was far more complex than anyone could have imagined.


July 2016 - A Nation on Edge

As summer blazed across Stick-Mon, the city continued to reel from the aftershocks of the bombings. The streets were still scarred, the skyline altered by the damage to key structures, and the gaping void where the Imperial Bridge once stood served as a constant reminder of the tragedy. Despite the devastation, life moved on for many, but beneath the surface, the wounds were still raw.

JJ Industries, while not reduced to rubble, suffered extensive interior damage. Fires had ravaged several floors, and though the building’s structure held, it was a long road to repair. Work crews labored day and night to restore the headquarters, a symbol of resilience in a city still trying to make sense of what had happened.

Freedom McCarthy’s campaign, once indomitable, was unraveling at the seams. Every rally was met with protests, the chant of “Justice for Chanroo Town” echoing in the background. His advisors were jumping ship, unable to control the narrative that now painted McCarthy as a traitor, a mastermind behind the worst attack the city had ever seen. Even his once-beloved Slop N’ Shop franchises were losing customers by the day. The very brand that had elevated him to fame was collapsing alongside his political career.


July 9, 2016 - Royce’s Escape

It was a day no one saw coming.

Royce Frickleton, the man who had orchestrated the devastating attacks, was missing. His escape from the maximum-security prison was as shocking as it was brazen. One moment, Royce was in his cell awaiting transfer to a high-security psychiatric facility—the next, he was gone. Guards discovered his bed empty at 2:45 AM, but by then, it was too late. The alarm was raised, but Royce had vanished without a trace.

The entire city went on lockdown, with law enforcement agencies from across the country descending on Stick-Mon to hunt down the fugitive. Theories ran wild—had Royce been broken out by allies still loyal to the Tunnel Snakes? Was he being silenced by those higher up in the conspiracy, or had he simply outwitted the system that had failed to contain him?

The people of Stick-Mon were terrified. Royce’s escape stoked the fires of paranoia that had been burning since the bombings. If the man responsible for so much death and destruction could walk free, who else might be pulling strings from the shadows?


July 15, 2016 - The Rise of Colt Luka

In the midst of the chaos, Colt Luka emerged as the beacon of hope that Stick-Mon so desperately needed. He had stayed largely under the radar during the months following the attacks, focusing on grassroots efforts to help rebuild the devastated neighborhoods. His construction company, Sharp Industries, provided affordable solutions to those who had lost their homes in Chanroo Town. The people admired his hands-on approach, contrasting sharply with McCarthy’s evasive tactics and defensive rhetoric.

Though Colt had been third in the presidential race, trailing behind McCarthy and Jay Valen, his humble approach and hard work began to pay off. Jay Valen, runner-up to McCarthy and a relentless political opponent, shocked the nation when he dropped out of the race in early July to accept the position of Director of the FBI. With Jay out, Colt saw a surge in the polls, climbing to second place and quickly gaining popularity as an alternative to Freedom. After his appearances on The Late Late Show, where he addressed the chaos in Stick-Mon with calm authority, Colt was nearly neck and neck with Freedom McCarthy, though McCarthy still held the lead.

Colt’s rally in Ground Zero of Chanroo Town on July 15th marked a turning point. As he stood before the crowd, surrounded by the ruins of the once-vibrant business district, his voice carried with the kind of conviction people hadn’t heard in years.

“This city deserves better. We deserve better,” he said, pausing as the crowd hung on his every word. “We’ve been lied to, manipulated, and left to fend for ourselves by the very people who are supposed to protect us. That ends now.”

The crowd erupted into applause, chanting Colt’s name. He had struck a chord, tapping into the collective frustration and despair of a population that had lost faith in its leadership. For many, Colt Luka represented the change they had been waiting for.

Within days, Colt’s poll numbers surged, and while Freedom McCarthy still held the top spot, Colt was now seen as his most serious contender. The nation was watching closely as Colt’s momentum continued to build.


July 20, 2016 - The Hunt for Royce Intensifies

Despite the intense manhunt, Royce Frickleton remained at large. Stick-Mon was on edge, with sightings of Royce reported from various corners of the city. Each report turned out to be a dead end, leaving the police frustrated and the public increasingly fearful. Conspiracy theories flooded social media—was Royce even still in the country, or had he been secretly smuggled out by powerful figures who had a vested interest in keeping him quiet?

The FBI ramped up their investigation, widening their net to include anyone who might have aided in Royce’s escape. Suspicion fell on Freedom McCarthy, but despite the whispers, no solid evidence had ever surfaced linking him to the attacks or Royce's disappearance. McCarthy’s properties had already been raided by the FBI in the wake of the bombings, but nothing significant was found. Without concrete proof, Freedom remained a free man, though his campaign was irreparably damaged.


July 28, 2016 - Freedom McCarthy Under Fire

Freedom McCarthy continued to deny any involvement in the attacks, maintaining that he was being set up by his political rivals. While McCarthy had not been formally arrested, the allegations swirling around him were impossible to escape. His once-loyal supporters began to waiver, and each public appearance he made was marked by growing protests.

But with no solid evidence linking McCarthy to the bombings, he managed to evade official charges. In every speech, he insisted that the media was out to destroy him, feeding the narrative of a political conspiracy against the front-runner for the presidency. His words resonated with a core group of his supporters, but for many, the suspicions were too great to ignore. The Stick-Monian Dream McCarthy had embodied was quickly slipping from his grasp.


August 2016 - The Calm Before the Storm

As the summer of 2016 dragged on, Stick-Mon entered a strange period of calm. McCarthy’s tarnished campaign limped along, while Colt Luka continued to ride a wave of support. Though Colt was closing the gap, Freedom McCarthy remained the front-runner, his political machine still too powerful to topple entirely. The two candidates were on a collision course, with the fate of Stick-Mon hanging in the balance.

Meanwhile, the mystery of Royce Frickleton’s escape loomed over everything. The man who had set the city ablaze was still out there, his whereabouts unknown. Law enforcement, despite their best efforts, had come up empty-handed, and whispers of a grander conspiracy began to grow louder.


September 2016 - The Final Countdown

As election day drew near, the race between Freedom McCarthy and Colt Luka tightened dramatically. Colt’s grassroots campaign, focused on rebuilding and restoring trust in Stick-Mon, had won him legions of new supporters. His late surge was impressive, but Freedom, despite all the scandals and accusations, still held the top spot.

Behind the scenes, however, the FBI investigation continued to quietly churn, delving deeper into the networks of power that seemed to extend far beyond McCarthy. Jay Valen, now Director of the FBI, played a pivotal role in the investigation. Though McCarthy had dodged arrest, rumors persisted that Valen’s team was sitting on explosive new evidence that could shatter McCarthy’s campaign once and for all.

The city had been torn apart by tragedy, but the true story behind the terror attacks of 2016 was still lurking beneath the surface, waiting to be fully uncovered.

And on the eve of election day, as Stick-Mon held its breath, one thing became clear—whatever the outcome, the city would never be the same again.

But due to the uncertainty and a government that was barely hanging on, the elections were canceled, and a president was not elected. 

It was decided by the people that an election will be helped once a suitable democratic federal government can be structured. Since that day the country has been run by mayors of their cities, and still awaits to put a sitting president in District 11 


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